Motorhome Renovation Ideas

by | Feb 27, 2024

Motorhome Renovation Ideas for a Stunning RV Makeover

Motorhome renovation ideas are perfect for revamping your motorhome through a RV renovation project and can breathe new life into your RV, creating a personalized and functional space that enhances your travel experiences. Let’s explore a variety of RV renovation ideas to inspire your motorhome remodel or RV makeover to guide you toward a successful and stylish transformation. We always meet with our clients to go over the design whether it’s the floor color or new countertop material.


Chapter 1: Interior RV Remodel Ideas

1.1. Open Concept Layout: Create a spacious feel by removing unnecessary walls and barriers. We have several clients who do not (despise) the table with chairs or the dinette arrangement. We have completed several RV makeovers by putting a bar with USB ports/plugins and bar stools in that spot. We highly recommend this!

1.2. Multi-Functional Furniture: Opt for convertible pieces that maximize space and functionality. In most larger RV customization jobs we take out the old, uncomfortable, hard sofa and install beautiful reclining sofas. These are approximately $1400-$2200 and it’s game changing for camping comfortably. You can literally sprawl out and have a nap while watching a movie.

1.3. Modern Kitchen Upgrades: Install sleek appliances, countertops, and storage solutions for a contemporary look. In most RV makeovers we replace the countertop with laminate – there are thousands of samples to choose from. We’ve also added dishwashers, upgrade to a new large stainless steel sink and faucets. Sometimes we replace the old glass cabinet panels with frosted acrylic and it’s a huge change. Then we replace all the handles, Amazon has thousands to choose from. When we’re doing this we usually have to add some shelving, fix some latches and touch up the wood cabinets.

1.4. Luxurious Bathroom Renovation: Upgrade fixtures, add storage, and incorporate spa-like elements for a touch of luxury. Bathroom upgrades is always a new toilet $250, upgraded hardware, more shelving, new counter laminate and sometimes a new residential shower. You can even spray paint ugly shower hardware a nicer silver finish. 


Chapter 2: Exterior Motorhome Makeover Ideas

2.1. Paint and Graphics: Refresh the exterior with a new coat of paint or custom graphics to give your RV a fresh look. In 2024 if doing a large RV renovation we recommend doing a graphic wrap – In Las Vegas these usually last 5-7 years. 

2.2. Awning and Outdoor Living Space: Enhance outdoor comfort with a stylish awning and cozy outdoor furniture. Getting an electric awning is always a pleasure, having an outdoor kitchen, an outdoor TV and yes, a large mat with lounge chairs is a must.

2.3. Lighting Upgrades: Install LED lights for improved visibility and ambiance during evenings. We always install dimmable lights everywhere and it’s important to have outdoor undermount lights for evening walks.  


Chapter 3: Functional RV Customization Ideas

3.1. Solar Power System: Go green with solar panels to power your motorhome off-grid. Installing as many solar panels that your motorhome or travel trailer can take is highly recommended. 

3.2. Smart Technology Integration: Incorporate smart devices for convenience and efficiency on the road. Installing backup cameras and ring cameras is always best. Many people are beginning to get quite techy but it’s an issue finding an RV technician who specializes in this. Most are old school.

3.3. Storage Solutions: Maximize storage space with custom cabinets, shelves, and organizational systems. This is what Pinterest and Instagram is for. Seriously, when people purchase an RV the first thing they want to do is change cabinets and need storage solutions. Usually it’s adding shelves inside cabinets, reconfiguring shelving to accommodate larger kitchen gadgets and more pantry space, which we do.


Chapter 4: Creative RV Inspiration Ideas

4.1. Nature-Inspired Decor: Bring the outdoors inside with earthy tones, natural materials, and botanical accents. Good decorating is as simple as velroing some face plants and adding cute rugs. Earthy tones like white, cream, beige is in in 2024 and gray tones are out so yes, earthy is more comfortable and modern.

4.2. Vintage Charm: Embrace retro vibes with vintage decor elements like mid-century furniture or classic accessories. We specialize in vintage inspiration decor items and finding cool pieces antiquing and downtown Las Vegas vintage stores in the Arts district. And signs are not vintage…    

4.3. Minimalist Design: Opt for clean lines, neutral colors, and clutter-free spaces for a modern minimalist aesthetic. Maybe one sign with lettering but we usually opt for interesting metal signs or cool photography. 


Chapter 5: Budget-Friendly Motorhome Renovation Tips

5.1. DIY Projects: Save money by tackling simple renovations yourself, such as painting or installing new hardware. Lots of our clients have painted the cabinets and they look just fine. Another great idea is taking the valances down completely and putting up neutral looking regular blinds. As professionals we purchase ours from Spring Blinds.

5.2. Upcycling and Repurposing: Give old furniture new life by repurposing or upcycling items for a unique touch. Professional customizers usually do not do this. At Ace of Spades Custom RV in Vegas we always purchase new products and materials for our RV renovations jobs but if you have a budget, go ahead.

5.3. Shop Secondhand: Find affordable decor pieces at thrift stores, flea markets, or online marketplaces to stay within budget.



Embarking on a motorhome renovation project is an exciting opportunity to transform your RV into a personalized sanctuary that reflects your style and enhances your travel experiences. By incorporating the renovation ideas outlined you can embark on a successful journey towards creating the motorhome of your dreams. Get inspired, get creative, and get ready to enjoy the road in style with your newly renovated motorhome!